Monday, October 25, 2010

Methods of Mayhem Mainman: "It's Always Interesting To Me That We All Hear Music Differently"

In a recent two-part interview with Music Radar, Methods of Mayhem mainman Tommy Lee discussed the making of his band's sophomore album A Public Disservice Announcement. Lee, known for his role as Motley Crue's drummer, not only discusses collaborating with the world on this endeavor, but goes over who played drums for him as he stepped out front and strapped on a guitar. Read an excerpt of the Q&A below and go right here to read the full feature.

A Public Disservice Announcement is out now. Get your copy of the eclectic album at this location.

Do you think other bands will go down the worldwide collaboration route?

"I think so. I see other bands doing it and that's so cool because they'll get the same experience out of it that I had. I learnt a lot of things, one of them is that there's a lot of talented people out there. And as well, what a thing to give back. I can't tell you the enormous amount of emails I've had and they all said thank you for the most insane opportunity. I didn't realise until I got feedback that I gave somebody this experience. To me that feels good."

How about drumming duties on the album, where they shared?"[Black Label Society drummer] Will Hunt played on 'Fight Song'. I played on all of the other songs. If there's other drum bits they're mostly percussion parts. It's funny that when it came to drummers sending in parts I think a lot of drummers were intimidated and didn't jump on. There's way more guitar players that were jumping on board. There's one French guy who submitted some really cool drum stuff, but for the most part drummers shied away from it and thought, 'Does Tommy really need more drum parts?'"

And are you any closer to realising your dream of a rollercoaster drum riser?

"You know what, I'd like to do it with Mötley and I'm going to figure out a way to do it. I might do it with Methods. I think I've figured out a way to do it where you wouldn't have to drag a rollercoaster around the world at every show. That could be insane first of all and crazy expensive as well. I might shoot a performance video where I set the band up beneath a humongous rollercoaster and have that be part of the stage. So that's kinda of my plan and I'm going to see if I can pull that off for everybody."


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