Saturday, May 21, 2011

'American Idol' In 60 Seconds: Scotty And Lauren Sing To The End

Watch our second-to-last recap of the season, or, if you prefer, our last before the world ends.
By Jim Cantiello

Haley Reinhart is eliminated on "American Idol"
Photo: FOX

There's only one week left of "American Idol" season 10 (or one day before the end of the world), so if you have some last-minute cramming to do before the end, we suggest looking back at our previous "Idol" in 60 Seconds recaps. For now, here's the script rounding up everything you need to know about how America said goodbye to Haley and voted two country singers into the finale:

This week the top three got to sing three songs each, but in three rounds, two hours and nine songs, only two minutes mattered.

[Clip: Beyoncé's "Who Rule the World (Girls)" video.]

No, not Beyoncé's video, although ... [Jim grabs a personal recording device, speaks into it] Note to self: Memorize Beyoncé's dance moves before the world ends this Saturday.

Where was I? Oh, right! Haley Reinhart, whose Led Zeppelin cover was a groundbreaking collaboration with her dad AND with gravity!

But then things went from great to good to god awful, while Scotty and Lauren kept things country strong. Well, country able.

Hey, judges! Care to make this night all about you?

[Montage of judges: Randy: "I produced the version of it with Boyz II Men." J. Lo: "I was just performing to 20,000 people." Steven: "Lee Ann's a good friend of mine, too."]

You guys are in it to w... waste time.

On Thursday night's results show ... that's not Rihanna [showing Nicole Scherzinger's performance]. That's not Il Divo [showing Il Volo's performance].

I dare you to make this more unpleasant.

[Clip of Elle Fanning squealing during her interview with Seacrest.]

And hometown visits, where Haley fought the rain, Lauren's mom fought for screen time and Scotty fought the waterworks. But wait, did that bitch just steal a girl's donut?!!

[Clip: Lauren Alaina makes it to the finale with Scotty.]

Oh, America. You have no taste. OK, that's not fair. You do have taste ... for baby food!


Don't miss "Idol Party Live" every Thursday at noon on for analysis, celebrity guests and even some karaoke — get in the conversation by tweeting with the hashtag #idolparty! In the meantime, get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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