Monday, February 13, 2012

Nicki Minaj's Grammy Spectacle Draws Mixed Reaction

Twitter followers debate about the performance, while one hip-hop expert tells MTV News it signals Minaj's 'push for pop.'
By Rob Markman

Nicki Minaj performs at the 2012 Grammy Awards
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

Nicki Minaj's Grammy performance Sunday night (February 12) was spirited, to say the least. Beginning her set with the "Exorcism of Roman" mini-movie, Minaj unleashed her alter ego onstage in a horror-themed backdrop and debuted her "Roman Holiday" single. It was the most elaborate of the night's Grammy performances and has everyone talking. founder Chuck Creekmur thinks the performance will be among the most-talked-about tomorrow. "I definitely felt like she was reaching out to the mainstream with this performance, trying to make that full leap into the pop world," he told MTV News. "She'll definitely have people talking. Obviously, we've seen this before with Madonna and Lady Gaga — especially Gaga."

Video: Watch Highlights From The 2012 Grammy Awards

Nicki's fanatic following on Twitter was in full support of Minaj's display. "@NICKIMINAJ that is a monumental M4L for you and us. I'm in love with your performance," @SlickerGuy tweeted.

Others weren't as turned on by the Harajuku Barbie's set. "Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj, I'm all about expression, but it has gone overboard. Love Adele cause her focus is on music, not controversy," @thekatiestevens wrote.

"I liked Nicki Minaj's performance. Too many people be sipping on that hater aid! Hahaha," @_lookslikeali wrote, responding to all the negative comments.

While he did praise her for pushing the envelope, Creekmur thought Minaj was slowly shifting out of the hip-hop universe for poppier pastures. "One part theater and one part music — it just felt very much like she almost abandoning her hip-hop roots and really making a push for pop," he said. "Not necessarily in a bad way, but definitely a concerted effort; when you're making the leap and you know you're not coming back."

Stick with MTV News for all the news on Whitney Houston's tribute, the Grammy red-carpet fashion, Grammy winners and more until the hangover wears off!

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