Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Young The Giant In The L.A. Weekly

Sameer Gadhia and Francois Comtois of Young the Giant were interviewed by the L.A. Weekly on the eve of a two-night stand at the Wiltern Theater this coming weekend. They talked about their MTV Unplugged performance, getting material ready for their second album, and more.

Comtois says the band has "between 10 and 12" ideas for new songs. "Some of them are just bits and pieces of ideas. We're planning on having 40 of them completely flushed out before we go back into the studio." Gadhia adds that "When we write, we all write together and when we jam together, we can come up with five to six new songs that way as well."

Comtois says about the Unplugged set, "Nirvana was a huge influence, and were one of the first bands to get us interested and passionate about music, so to play on the same program that they did was mind-blowing. We wanted to do a kickass job so we worked hard on making it the best possible set it could be. On one hand, it's an honor to be asked to do it, but on the other hand, there was a lot of pressure to not screw it up."

Read the whole thing!

Source: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/news/ytg-la-weekly-20120209

Creedence Clearwater Revival

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