Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Emma Stone Is The Actress We're Most Thankful For In 2010

With winning turn in 'Easy A,' 'Spider-Man' casting and 'SNL' hosting gig, the 22-year-old has had quite a year.
By Eric Ditzian

Emma Stone
Photo: Fotonoticias/Getty Images

As MTV News' Thankful Week draws to a close, we begin to cast our gaze away from the big screen and towards tables soon to be the scene of turkey-crazed feasts. But we have one last honor to bestow: the actress we're most thankful for in 2010.

The winner is none other than Emma Stone, a move that completes a nifty "Spider-Man" double win, as we also honored Andrew Garfield — who's stepping into the role of Peter Parker — as the actor we're most thankful for this year. Stone won the part of Gwen Stacy in October, capping a stellar year for the 22-year-old.

From the top-notch teenage rom-com "Easy A" to her "Saturday Night Live" hosting gig to the opportunity to shoot flicks opposite the likes of Steve Carell ("Crazy, Stupid, Love") and Justin Timberlake ("Friends With Benefits"), Stone was already having a great 2010. Then "Spider-Man" director Marc Webb came calling. Her life is never going to be the same — and she couldn't be more excited.

The always-energetic actress called up MTV News in the midst of "Spider-Man" preproduction to talk about what a surreal year it's been and how she's dealing with the pressures of taking on the iconic Marvel series.

MTV: Thanks for calling up to chat.

Emma Stone: Thank you for having me!

MTV: Well, you're going to be very excited in a second.

Stone: What is it? What's it going to be? You like how I'm excited at the mere mention that I'm going to be excited?

MTV: Uh-oh, I really have to come through now. Look out your window — there's a blimp with your face on it!

Stone: Oh my god, it's so beautiful, I'm looking right now! You wanna know what's really insane about that? I actually pulled back the curtain and looked at the sky.

MTV: I'm sorry to disappoint, but I can tell you that every year we honor various people we're thankful for, and this year you're the woman we're most thankful for.

Stone: Oh my god, shut up! Get out of here! I prepared a 10-minute speech, is that OK?

MTV: I'm afraid we don't have enough time. You know, the man we're most thankful for this year is your "Spider-Man" co-star Andrew Garfield.

Stone: Hey, I know that guy! We've met. He's the worst!

MTV: I won't tell him you said that. It has been quite a year for you. "Easy A" gets a great reaction, you're shooting movies with people like Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling, you host "Saturday Night Live," and then you land "Spider-Man." Does 2010 feel like a landmark year?

Stone: It feels kind of scary saying this because that means it's only downhill, but it's been the best year of my life. Not just with how lucky I've been work-wise, but with my family and friends. I'm totally terrified for 2011. I have such a disaster mentality, it's not even funny.

MTV: Which raises the question, are you ready for something as big as "Spider-Man"? Can you ever be ready for something like that?

Stone: The way I have to approach it, and I think Andrew would agree, is just like any other movie. You're going to put the same amount of focus into this that you would with anything. It just happens to be an exponentially bigger budget. So there's that. It'll probably feel different when we start to do press, but we won't have to deal with that for another year and a half. And there are harnesses I'm going to have to use in this one. That's the only difference: just the harnesses.

MTV: Seriously, though, it's been quite a year for you with onscreen love interests. The women in the office are jealous — Penn Badgley, Timberlake, Gosling, Garfield. You're a lucky woman ...

Stone: What can I say? You cannot compare them. They are so wonderful in their own ways. Again, it's been an amazing year.

MTV: Has there been one surreal point in particular that kind of encapsulates 2010 for you?

Stone: Hosting "Saturday Night Live." That's always been my ultimate dream. That moment before you come out those doors when Don Pardo says your name and you're standing there ... I had never let myself imagine what that would feel like. That moment when you walk through those doors was probably the most surreal moment, not just of this year, but ever.

MTV: So you guys are in rehearsals for "Spider-Man," right? What is that process like at this point?

Stone: Today I went and did hair tests, because I have blonde hair now since Gwen has blonde hair. My natural hair is blonde, so it's kind of nice. I looked in the mirror and said, "Oh my god, it's me again, it's been so long!" We're finalizing the visual stuff. And I think we'll start actually rehearsing, because we start shooting in two weeks. Andrew and I went and learned about science yesterday. Gwen really likes science, so we learned about science. I was homeschooled, so I never went to chemistry class in a traditional setting like Gwen is into. That was really beneficial.

MTV: There seemed to be so much competition for the role of Gwen Stacy. Do you ever think, "Why me?" What do you think won you the part?

Stone: I ask myself that question every day. I have no f---ing idea. It's the most amazing idea, I can't even tell you. I don't think I ever will figure out how it happened. It's been mind-blowing. I know things will eventually change, so I'm just trying to avoid thinking about it and just enjoy it while it's happening. Ugh, what am I even saying? Don't write any of that down!

Thanksgiving is a time for taking stock, expressing gratitude and, most importantly, overeating. We at MTV News have been gorging all year at movie theaters, so it's about time we looked back and gave thanks to our favorite actors and filmmakers of 2010. Enjoy exclusive interviews with our winners all week long.

Check out everything we've got on "Spider-Man."

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